Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Last uni sem break

If I were to sum up my whole semester break, a word is powerful enough to describe it- Great!

The Sutanium Day
My holiday began with ice skating in conjuction to celebrate a friend's birthday right after the last exam paper . First time ice skating was really scary. Imagine the first time you learn how to take control of a bicycle, learn to depends on the only two wheels that touches the ground with faith. The first five minutes was monstrous. haha! Thanks to my two 'sifu' who generously spared their fun time to teach me patiently by my sides and I managed to stand and skate a little without any support. Yeah!

The dinner was absolutely great. The conversations and laughters were good. I laughed so much, especially when we shared our public bus experiences. Hilarious! Oh, not to forget that MayShing actually 'eats' (for those who know her, you should know what I mean here =P )

Family, Relatives & Friends
Spending time with family, relatives and friends was very good. Get to know them better through common chats, over a meal, casual hang out, visitation and etc.

Us, the crazy six were after the same drama, again due to someone's interest, sat at the common comfortable place talking some nonsence, laughed over some idiot jokes, shared our experiences, I always love and treasure those moments although sometimes our conversations can be super super crappy, hehe! 'It' runs in the family =P

Healthy Lifestyle
Due to some extra and unwanted weight I gained 2 days after my arrival at home, I went on a quite consistent exercise basis for only a week. LOL! I felt healthier of course, at least that's how my brain took the efforts into account =)

Badminton Phobia
I had a badminton session with my friends. Good in the sense when I get to move around and kick out some fats; bad when I got bullied by my team mates. They were so happy everytime they managed to fly the shuttlecock and land on the mong cha cha player- me. Fun, yes.

Planning Retreat
Never in my life discussions can be so interesting and intense. Still, I'm absolutely loving it. I have always been hoping that we could discuss those issues to the extend where we can have a clearer view of where we are heading and a more concrete measurement. Finally! Praise Him!
I do miss those moments. Thanks to everyone who made it there and kept us in prayer.

O yes, not to forget I learnt how to play a little majong there, hehe!

Speaking of semester break, that, was the last uni sem break for me and my course mates. It also indicates the end is drawing near, another new beginning is about to start. Changes occurs all the time, I know. Yet, I think I engaged too much emotions and enjoyed every moment of my life so much that I did not realise. I will definitely miss these three years of uni life as a student.

When the next transition arrives, let us all begin another fresh new chapter and ask God for wisdom and be our guidance, as always. =)

By the way, try this 'sharp butt tomato' (I dont know the name, hehe!), it taste explosively delicious.
I'm so gonna hunt it again, swallow tonnes of it and cheer my messy mood up.

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