I was LICKED!!!
My friends and I went to a friend's place to hang out. We were warned that there's a dog belongs to the housemate when we arrived, but it does not bite. I was feeling quite excited, mainly it is because I love dogs and only cute dogs, hahaa... (yes, i'm bias, i know!)
When we reach upstair, the dog was carried and showed us. My first impression was "What an adorable dog, wish I could have one too..." *Shh!! Dun tell Mikko!*
Toby is its name.
Toby was hugged by so many people and was under the spotlight for the whole time although the initial intention of the hang out was 'majong', haha...
Toby is such adorable and tame. It wont bark or jump or run everywhere. Whenever someone hold it, it will remain calm and play along.
Well, when you see such cute doggie, how could you resist the photo shooting, right?
While I was holding the fellow close under my chin, just before my friend was able to take a shot of me and Toby, this fellow turned its head up and licked my face all over generously. =,=" I was licked all over again and again... I know, it likes me, hahaa!
Even though my friend gave me a green light to slap it when it chewed my hands and fingers, I could hardly slap it with any energy at all. Too adorable to slap, but I did warn it not to do so though.
Anyhow, it was great to hug such a tiny cute doggie in the arms once again... Yes, I do miss Mikko when he was still in the tiny size when I can hold him up and hug it in my arms. The Mikko now is simply too hugh for me to carry at all, the size of his waist is even bigger than mine, haha...
Look at him, isnt he cute?