Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Friday, 19 December 2008
Still Feeling Extremely Happy
Yes. I am officially moved out. Again. Haha...
First year- once... Second year- again... Third year- I dont know..
Well, I really like the place where I'm currently staying. It's so much like HOME!! Awesome!!
After the breakfast early in the morning, we started cleaning. We managed to clean basically everything that we can touch on. It gave me a feeling as if we were cleaning for the sake of a festival, says Chinese New Year? haha...
Lunch was our only break and rest in between. Immediately resumed to moving our stuff over right after the short break.
I didnt pack anything at all. Not even putting anything into boxes or what-so-ever. To be honest, I left all my belongings where it has been all the while the same spot, not an inch was moved.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Let's dance!!
I was having a dreadful feeling that the poem 'Tembusu' will be in the paper the moment I woke up this morning. So, I went through the poem again before I set off to uni. I just can hardly believe that the poem that I dread of IS IN THE PAPER!!! AARRGHHH....!!! I can clearly recall the last time I dreamt about exam question was just the night before an exam, some years back when I was in secondary school. Can you imagine that the exact question I dreamt of actually came out? I know it sounds crazy, it's true! It happened again this morning! o,0"
Basically, I think I did my best to crap a lot in the explanations. *aiks* I hope it sounds logic enough, haha... I was joking with Shan before entering the examination hall that we shall do our best to CRAP, and I think we can manage to do so after the intensive-crap-training we had in these 2 years, haha... We had enough practice, I suppose!
Just wanna update a little about the paper I had today- Malaysian Literature.
There were altogther 4 sections in the paper: A. Short Story B. Novel C. Poem D. Drama
As I was doing Section C- Poem, the all-time-killer-section for me. Only 2 words to describe the moment when I was tortured to finish it up--> 绝望!!! (hopeless/ end of the world/ Argh!!) Really hope it turned up well, coz I did what I can to 'juice-out' my brain. Was kinda 'scolding' the poets as I was doing revision yesterday, "Why do you write so many miserable poems? You are simply torturing my life, do you realise that? Go sleep la, so free!"
Well well well, it's all OVER now!!! In a mood to SING OUT LOUD!!!
*I can only mute my voice with my mouth open wide singing out loud at the moment, pathetic right? Why? My housemates are still in exam fever, they will kill me if I ever S-O-L!! Haha... Anyway, I'm a good housemate I am, hehe.. perasan gila, haha!!*
Did I just found out what my name means?
How true? You tell me... I couldn't stop laughing till I finished.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Lightning strike
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Dear Bernice
You have brought me happiness, joy and laughter during my stay in Johor. Thank you so much! You are such a sunshine to everyone! I love you always! *HUGS*
This wonderful chubby little girl has brought so much joy in everyone's heart. She is not the only chubby little fellow there when I was in Johor. I miss Benben, Amos, Celine, Lele, Daniel, Eric, Asher... SO MUCH!!!
Below is a conversation between Bernice and me in Mandarin.
[I have tried my best to remember everything we said]
I: Hey Bernice!
B: (looking at me shyly) *Ran off one round, came back and sit there again*
I: Where have you been?
B: 'Gai gai'. (Eng: walk walk) *Ran off one round, came back and sit there again*
I: Where were you?
B: I went to work in Kuala Lumpur! *Ran off one round, came back and sit there again*
I: Aren't you tired, running up and down? Haha...
B: Noo...hehe! Also I brought Benben (her brother) along to Kuala Lumpur.
(the conversation continued)
What a kid!
First round- 2 words.
2nd round- 1 sentence.
3rd round- 2 sentences.
4th round- Tak habis-habis "blah blah blah..." Haha!
After the first round of warming up on the first day, she's my good friend already, muahaha!
She would tell me how she'll cook fishes the whole night, asking me what kind of flavour do i want it, yet she will definately put chillies everytime when she literally 'give' me the fish by hand, haha... Benben would imitate everything his sister does. And we repeated every single same procedure again and again...
During the tea ceremony at another day, Bernice kept sticking to my bro, holding his hand everywhere he went. Goodness! You really should have see how a kid can be such a 'sticky kid'!
The worst thing is that when my sister introduced her the idea of trading brothers. Without even thinking more than a seconds, she agreed to trade Benben with my bro. Haha... See!! This kid is so adorable!! Her mom told her "How can you trade your one and only brother without my permission?" Haha... She doesnt seem to bother much though... o,0
I am so glad I managed to make it to my cousin sister's wedding in Johor. So much laughter and joy during the family reunion. I miss everyone so much!! Thank God for everything!!
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Food Foundry
Why interesting?
It's such delicious and careful baked cake.
Simply irresistible!!
Soft, fluffy and taste exactly what cake should taste like!
Overall: 8.5/10
Tel: +603.7955.3885 / +603.7960.5881 Fax: +603.7960.5882
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
My Elephant
C-G-4 Happy Mansion, Jalan 17/13, Section 17, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Monday: Closed
Tuesday to Friday: Lunch (12 - 3pm) Dinner (6 - 10pm)
Saturday and Sunday: Lunch Closed, only Dinner
*P.S. last order at 9:30pm
Sushi King
By the way, the movie after the lunch, Madagascar was good! At least I laughed, hehe!!
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Malaysian Literature assignment- Dream
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Big Apple Doughnuts
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park
Now, you have to be quiet and patience when you enter.... just let the pictures do the talking! =)
A view from the top.
Some butterflies look exactly like a dried leaf. Only when you observe closer, then you will realise that it has some other parts extra =) The colour is hidden when it closes its wings. Patience is needed if you want to look at the 'hidden beauty'.
The flowers and the bottle of essence are used to attract the butterflies and moths.
More than just butterfly and moth:
It's somewhere very near to Balai Polis Bukit Aman.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Lovin' this sem
I'm simply loving this short semester. Learning a new language (Japanese) and Malayisan Literature. Monday and Tuesday are the days where I learn new words, pronunciations, phrases... in Japanese. Thursday and Friday are the days when I get to read story after story.
Dear course mates who are taking Mandarin, have fun!! "bo po mo fo..." hehe... I still remember Ju mentioned this in mamak sometimes ago, which Vivien reminded me in her blog, "Wo jin nian yi shi er sui!" (she was trying to say she's 21, but said she's 12) Joker betul la Ju! Then as I was trying my Jap, I replied Ju: "Anatawa ju issai!" (means you are 21 years old) Mana tau that Ju heard 'Ju eat sai!' *sweat* Hahaha....
Basically, what do I focus these days during this short semester are just 2 things: practice my Japanese language and read stories. How can I not love this life? I have waited for this moment long enough...
FUN!!!! Yes... BUT short semester means the usual long semester 14 weeks of lessons are to be completed in 7 weeks. In other word, we have shorter time to complete our lessons. Imagine other people learn Japanese language in 14 weeks, whereas we have to learn and master the basics of a new language in 7 weeks. INTENSIVE learning I would say. However, my Japanese lecturer thinks we are progressing well so far.
I have 5 books with me now (pic above), even though we are currently in only Week 3. There are 2 books for Japanese lesson, 3 for Msian Literature. I heard there is another one coming soon. I have spent the most on books alone in this semester in fact. More books means more to spend and read!!! Aiks*
Oya! I'm back with The Return again... AGAIN!!! Hahaha... My form 5 literature. I did not finish my reading of this book even though I have sat for SPM. Pathetic right? I guess this time I cannot run away from it again, haha... *finish it, irene!*
CF is moving into a new direction. There are lots of plannings and discussions going on every now and then. Busy? Yes. Yet, we are doing all these for Him. =) I really hope we can all work together to achieve 'Sharing Love, Impacting Lives'. Let's do our best and follow the great commandments. I'm really blessed to be able to serve the Lord with all the brothers and sisters in Christ. *HUGS*
Another wonderful good news that really cheer me up since a few days ago, even until now... Can hardly get over it, everytime I think about it, my face become this --> ^______^ Will post it up probably in December, stay tune =P
Friday, 17 October 2008
Aquaria KLCC
Went there last month after the final exam with some CG members and friends. Thanks Gabe for bringing us all there. *Elie, Carol, Ervinna, Sarah, Alvin... wish u all were there also!* It was really interesting. Unlike the one in Langkawi. You get to see Pirahna, Bamboo Shark, Starfish, small fish, HUGE fish, ... ... all sort of weird fish also... =P
Experience the Starfish with your own hand is totally another different story, they are just beauties... really!! *thanks spongebob for holding it =P*
I forgot what is the name for this... but all I can remember is that the surface is hard and a little furry...
Bamboo Shark!! Absolutely adorable!! They are so tame and even let everyone to touch them without showing any objection. Basically, they dont really bother to move either, haha...
Erm... I have absolutely no idea what this thing is, it was there on the glass for more than 20 minutes without movement at all, haha...
A HUGE glass with lots of fishes inside...
The 90 metres underwater tunnel. Perhaps they should consider setting seats on the conveyor belt in order for the visitors to rest while enjoying. =)
Opening Hours:
Open daily from 11am- 8pm (Including weekends, school & public holidays)
Last admission at 7pm
Admission Fees:
Adult RM38 (with MyKad RM28) (with Student card RM20) (60 years & above RM18)
Child RM26 (with MyKad RM22) (under the age of 3 - FREE)
Concourse Level, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 KL, Malaysia.
Tel: 603 2333 1888 Fax: 603 2380 0069 http://www.klaquaria.com/
Friday, 26 September 2008
Z014: Kissaten
Some of the dishes we ordered. =)
Cheese cake. A surprise birthday celebration for a friend. =)
Banana Cheese Cake (free) Thanks Kissaten!
Perhaps I wouldn't say all the dishes are super awesome, but credit must be given to the wonderful customer service. One thing about the cakes- cheese cake is not cheesy enough for me and my friends, I always felt that the taste of cheese should taste more than the flour instaed. What do you think?
Overall: 6.5/10
*will edit the names when i get back pj. sorry!
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Cuckoo Celebration
Another year looking up at the same moon, thinking of the years spent together happily celebrating Mooncake Festival. How lovely!
Celebrating Mooncake Festival here is not that bad after all. We had mooncakes, biscuits, candles, torch lights and no lanterns, haha... Initially, we were playing the candles by making those candles stand in some odd shapes and chinese words. Later, someone saw a group of people celebrating at the roof of a car park building somewhere nearby (note: the red circled picture below). Then, trying very hard to grab attention from them by flashing torch lights and 'ying guang bang' just wanted to say "HELLLOO poeple at the other side of the hilltop!!!" *sweat* Anyway, no idea whether they actually realised our cuckoo greetings from the other building. We only saw twice they flashed red light. Heehee...
That day's celebration was not enough to wear off our energy. Once again, gathered some 'forces' to play a super duper tiring game the next day. We lit candles at the balcony, one by one blow off the candles in sequence using the thin straw. Whoever fails to blow off the particular candle will have to finish one of the almost-due-date-biscuits-stock belong to 'someone'. Mind you, it is not easy at all especially when we put the candles further than the first round (note: first round-left pic; second round-right pic). A few times, I nearly ran out of breath trying to blow off the furthest candle. Haahaa...
Well, that was how I celebrated this year Mooncake Festival. Had too much of mooncakes since 2 weeks ago during study week. BRruuupP!! Thanks pals, for willing go mad with me with some cuckoo games, haha... Not bad at all =)