Wednesday 19th March
CF Easter Celebration. It went well. Special thanks to those who came join and help out. It was really encouraged and really appreciate the very part all of you carried out. Games, Egg Painting, Testimony, Sharing, Prayer, Food... Praise Him for the smooth event and His present.
When I was online in msn that day, realised that MS's dad passed away that evening. I was shocked. For one moment, I lost my speech. All I truly hope and pray is that God bless the family with peace. It happened very fast and sudden. In fact, too sudden. How I wish I could just be with her that moment and give her hug.
Thursday 20th March
Holiday. Finished my psycholingustics assignment early in the morning. Sent to Debbie. Feeling rather better.
Read KJ's message regarding the visit to MS's place an hour later after he sent. Couldn't join them to see her. Hope she's doing fine and coping it well. That very moment, I really wanna call my parents to tell them 'I love You Always'. I really miss them and wanna give them a big big hug. Just wanna tell all the people in this world that God loves you and He'll never ever forsake us no matter what happen.
Friday 21 March
Had a moral mid term that afternoon. I don't think I did well. Well, personally I think I shouldn't have wasted my time reading his notes. It did not help at all. The 20 minutes test with thick question papers filled with multiple choices questions. Each questions was so long and even the answers were so long. Thus, the difficulties in understanding certain words in BM and moreover in the whole sentence. I felt like I was reading some foreign language all of a sudden. *haihz* My BM is down in the drain already. Must brush up!
Went to cg that evening. The last cg meeting before multiplication. It was really good despite the pizza (fast food), hahaha... Anyway, the reflection on the crucifixion of Christ that reminds me how much He had shed His blood for my sins and how much He had to suffer to save me. His great love never fail. He knew and loves me even before I was borned. Thank you so much... For now, I really need His strength and His blessing so that I can share His good news boldly.
Saturday 22 March
Went to Mid Valley for a movie 'Ah Long Pte Ltd' with Sarah, Alvin and Hong. The movie was ok.
Went Big Apple and donuts was quite good. The taste was just nice, not too sweet and just fine. If only it's bigger and have more varieties, hehe... *grin*
Overall: 7.5/10
Overall: 7.5/10
Sarah ordered this 'Kiwi Special' and it looks pretty cool =)
that movie is just ok??its vy funny la!!!haha..
murni alwiz rawk..haha.
my fav are roti hawaii which is simply the best and most delicious mamak food ever and my lovely ribena special..oohh, salivating thinking of it..
aiyo... the movie a... foul language all the way to the end... haihz!! but then i like the jokes and the lesson and the funny climax behind... when the girl intended to kill the little girl that time... it's was so funny... so fake... i expected d...
oo... u mean the 'i love u' drink?? haha... havent try that yet... will go there again soon. The Roti Hawaiian was really filling and by the time i finsh... I nearly cant walk d... haha
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