Tex-Mex food, also known as the Mexican food in Texas.
The ambience was cosy and very rich with the Mexican colourful interior designs. Customer service is a must given credit to the owner and the waiters there, friendly enough to explain and introduce patiently with their dishes stated on the menu.
I shall let the pictures roll...
The food, to some extend was somehow plain and within the safe zone in terms of taste. My friends and I generally agree that perhaps Mexican food is not really the food that we want to hunt for our challenging appetite.
Personally, I always prefer much explosive and challenging taste dishes, or simple healthy yet filled with the authentic herbs aroma dishes. I think Mexican food is not really my choice in the list, yet it was a great experience altogether, that's undeniable.
If you are a big fan of Mexican food, I suggest you pay a visit to this place.
Frontera Bar & Grill
18-G-2, Block L, Jaya One
No 72A, Jalan Universiti
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: +603- 7958 8515
Everyday 11am-11 midnight
*Some pictures are courtesy of Megan and Jeannie.
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